Can Pregnant Women Drink Alkaline Water?
There isn’t scientific evidence that proves alkaline water is a danger to pregnant women or even anyone for that matter. In fact, pregnant women can benefit greatly from drinking alkaline water right before, during, and after the pregnancy for the following reasons:
1. Alkaline Water Restores PH Balance
In the first few months of a pregnancy, the mother’s body directs most of her alkaline minerals to her placenta to nourish her growing child. This, in return, results in acidic discharge from the fetus, which causes the mother’s blood to become acidic. Drinking alkaline water while pregnant, as a buffer, is an effective way to help the blood remove acidic waste by bonding and neutralizing it.
2. Helps with indigestion and Heartburn
Heartburn is quite common in pregnant women, especially those well into their second and third trimester. This is because the muscles in the digestive tract can be affected by constantly fluctuating hormone levels. Alkaline water helps to soothe heartburn and indigestion by neutralizing the harsh stomach acid.
3. Eases Constipation
Constipation is common during pregnancy. This is because of iron supplementation, increased hormone levels, as well as increased pressure on the rectum caused by a growing uterus.
Increasing fiber intake by eating more fruits and vegetables is always best, as well as actively staying hydrated throughout the day. Alkaline water helps by restructuring the water into smaller molecules that makes it easier for the body to absorb.
4. Strengthens Immune System
The more balanced and healthy the body is during pregnancy, the stronger the immune system, and the stronger the baby’s developing immune system will be. Chugging alkaline water alone is not an end-all-be-all remedy, but drinking it to supplement a healthy diet helps a lot.
5. Helps with Morning Sickness
During the first few months of pregnancy, the body is forced to make several adjustments to accommodate the growing child within. This, combined with hormonal changes, causes fatigue and exhaustion in new mothers.
With alkaline water, its added minerals help give the mother extra nourishment. It also helps the mother maintain consistent hydration levels that keep her energy levels up.
6. Fight Free Radicals
Alkaline water contains many antioxidants that can help fight free radical damage in the body. During pregnancy, a mother’s body becomes more vulnerable as she is supporting two developing systems, so getting a little help from alkaline water to fight free radicals helps against premature aging and weakness.
7. Reduces Risk of Dehydration
A pregnant woman needs more water than her pre-pregnancy days. This is because more water is needed to maintain her body’s hydration levels, as well as to maintain water levels in the amniotic sac, which is 100% water. Alkaline water benefits pregnant women because it undergoes an ionization process that makes it more easily absorbed into the system, and has a calming effect on a sensitive, nauseous stomach.
8. Increases Energy
During the first few months of pregnancy, the body is forced to make several adjustments to accommodate the growing child within. This, combined with hormonal changes, causes fatigue and exhaustion in new mothers.
With alkaline water, its added minerals help give the mother extra nourishment. It also helps the mother maintain consistent hydration levels that keep her energy levels up.
9. Helps Reduce Risk of Pre-Eclampsia
Studies show that patients suffering from pre-eclampsia who were given a treatment of ionized, alkalized water recovered fully. It helps stabilize blood pressure, as well as reduces water retention in the hands, feet, and ankles.